Our Services & Your Options


You choose the concepts you would like us to prioritise during your workshops or seminars:

  • Differentiation between PERFORMANCE & ACCOMPLISHMENT.

  • Fundamental NEED DRIVERS. Creating environments that promote higher levels of motivation and fulfilment (autonomy, competence, relatedness).

  • IPSATIVE ASSESSMENT- Measuring individualised accomplishment.

  • GOAL SETTING - how to set effective, value adding, individualised goals that align with an individual’s or team’s version of accomplishment & underpinned by appropriate ‘whys’ (using our innovative and original concept).

  • How CONTROLLING THE CONTROLLABLES can impact our lives positively.

  • How improved PRIORITISATION can reduce stress, limit the impact of VUCA and allow us to be more effective and productive for ourselves & others.

  • Defining and understanding COACHABILITY and introducing concepts to help individuals improve & sustain their own coachability as well as effective two-way communication with their coach/mentor/team members.

  • Why you do not need BELIEF (Intuition scale).

  • How to sustain a balanced INNER STATE through awareness of what you are experiencing.

  • How CHANGE affects us and how an awareness of this can help us become more effective at dealing with change itself.

  • How understanding the impact of the VOLATILITY, UNCERTAINTY, COMPLEXITY, AMBIGUITY (VUCA) modern life creates can lead to greater resilience.

  • SELF AWARENESS - how we experience this and how an awareness of this can encourages individuals to challenge themselves, as well as ask for valuable feedback to support their journey towards self-betterment.

  • Q&A with our coaches and/or elite athletes.


We would almost always recommend an interactive workshop. Interactive workshops generally lead to the most effective & impactful delivery as a well as facilitating more value adding and sustainable development in the delegates/coachees. We would almost always recommend an interactive workshop. Interactive workshops generally lead to the most effective & impactful delivery as a well as facilitating more value adding and sustainable development in the delegates/coachees.


  • Half day interactive workshop - 4 hours (2 coaches)

  • Whole day interactive workshop - 7 hours (2 coaches)

  • Optional multiple day workshops

  • Seminars: 1-4 hours (2 leaders/speakers)

  • 121 / group mentoring: 1-2 hours

  • Group mediation: 1-3 hours


  • Workshops - semi-interactive due to format (via Zoom/Teams): 2-3 hours

  • Seminars (via Zoom/Teams) ⁃ Podcast (pre recorded on demand) ⁃ Video (pre recorded on demand)

  • Q&A (via Zoom/Teams)

  • Blog content (from library or on demand)


  • Mix & match from options ‘menu’ above to fit time available, or…

  • Choose from ‘menu’ and match time to allow content to be effectively delivered